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Pre-Calculus 1st Semester
Pre-Calculus Introductory Video
Chapter 2 - Polynomial and Rational Functions
Week 1
2.1 - Quadratic Functions
2.1 Self-Assessment
(Due 8/17)
2.2 - Polynomial Functions
2.2 Self-Assessment
(Due 8/18)
2.3 - Real Zeros
2.3 Self-Assessment
(Due 8/19)
Finding Real Zeros of Polynomial Functions
(8/21 in class)
Graphs of Polynomial Functions
(Week 1 in class)
Week 2
2.4 - Complex Numbers
2.4 Self-Assessment
(Due 8/23)
2.2 Polynomial Functions of a Higher Degree
(8/25 in class)
Chapter 2 Quiz (8/28)
Week 3
2.5 - Fundamental Th
2.5 Self-Assessment
(Due 8/30)
2.6 - Rational Functions
2.6 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/1)
Graphs of Rational Functions
(9/3 in class)
Week 4
2.7 - Graphs of Rational
2.7 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/6)
Rational Functions Matching
(pages 2, 3, 5 on 9/8 in class)
Chapter 2 Practice Test
(9/10 in class)
Chapter 2 Test (9/11)
Chapter 3 - Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Week 5
3.1 - Exponential Function
3.1 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/13)
3.2 - Logarithmic Function
3.2 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/16)
Graphing Exponential Functions
(9/14 in class)
Compound Interest
(9/16 in class)
Week 6
3.3 - Properties of Logs
3.3 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/21)
Evaluating Logarithms
(9/21 in class)
Graphing Logarithms
(page 1) (9/21 in class)
Exponents and Logarithms
(9/21 in class)
Expanding and Condensing Logarithms
(9/23 in class)
Chapter 3 Review for Quiz
(9/24 in class)
Chapter 3 Quiz (9/25)
Week 7
3.4 - Solving Exp /Logs
3.4 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/27)
3.5 - Exp/Log Models
3.5 Self-Assessment
(Due 9/30)
Solving Exponential & Logarithmic Equations
(9/29 in class)
Week 8
Chapter 3 Test (10/7)
Chapter 4 - Trigonometric Functions
Week 9
4.1 - Radians & Degrees
4.1 Self-Assessment
(Due 10/11)
4.2 - The Unit Circle
4.2 Self-Assessment
(Due 10/13)
Right Angle Trig
(10/16 in class)
Week 10
4.3 - Right Angle Trig
4.3 Self-Assessment
(Due 10/18)
4.4 - Trig of Any Angle
4.4 Self-Assessment
(Due 10/21)
Week 11
Chapter 4 Quiz (10/27)
Chapter 4.1-4.4 Review
(10/26 in class)
4.5 - Graphs Sine/Cosine
4.5 Self-Assessment
(Due 10/27)
Kuta Graphing Sine and Cosine
(10/29 in class)
Week 12
4.6 - Graphs Other Trig
4.6 Self-Assessment
(Due 10/29)
4.7 - Inverse Trig
4.7 Self-Assessment
(Due 11/2)
Match My Trig Graph Activity
(11/3 in class)
Chapter 4 Test (11/6)
Chapter 5 - Analytic Trigonometry
Week 13
5.1 - Fundamental IDs
5.1 Self-Assessment
(Due 11/8)
5.2 - Verifying Trig IDs
5.2 Self-Assessment
(Due 11/10)
Week 14
Chapter 5 Quiz (11/17)
5.3 - Solving Trig IDs
5.3 Self-Assessment
(Due 11/17)
Week 15
5.4 - Sum/Diff Formulas
5.4 Self-Assessment
(Due 11/30)
5.5 - Multiple Angle, Product to Sum Formulas
5.5 Self-Assessment
(Due 12/2)
Week 16
Chapter 5 Test (12/9)
Week 17
Pre-Calculus Midterm Study Guide
Lifesize Pre-Calculus Meeting Code: 4918578
Pre-Calculus 2nd Semester
Chapter 6 - Additional Topics in Trigonometry
Week 18
Week 18 Pre-Calculus Homework
(Due 1/8)
Week 18 Pre-Calculus Answer Sheet
Week 19
Chapter 6 Quiz (1/12)
Week 19 Pre-Calculus Homework
(Due 1/14)
Week 20
Week 20 Pre-Calculus Homework
(Due 1/21)
Chapter 6 Test (1/22)
Chapter 9 - Topics in Analytic Geometry
Conic Sections Formulas
Week 21
Week 21 Pre-Calculus Homework
(Due 1/28)
Week 22
Chapter 9 Quiz (2/2)
Week 23
Week 23 No Homework
Chapter 9 Test Outline
Chapter 9 Test (2/12)
Week 24
Senior Class Trip
Chapter 10 - Analytic Geometry in Three Dimensions
Week 25
Week 25 No Homework
Week 26
Chapter 10 Quiz (3/2)
Week 26 No Homework
Week 27
Week 27 No Homework
Chapter 10 Test (3/12)
Week 28
Financial Planning Week - No Homework
Calculus Preview - Limits and Their Properties
Week 29
Finding Limits Graphically
Finding Limits Graphically Self-Assessment
(Due 3/29)
Video on Finding Limits Algebraically
Finding Limits Algebraically Self-Assessment
(Due 3/30)
Week 30
Video on Types of Discontinuities
Types of Discontinuities Self-Assessment
(Due 4/5)
Video on Defining Continuity at a Point
Defining Continuity at a Point Self-Assessment
(Due 4/6)
Video on Continuity over an Interval
Continuity over an Interval Self-Assessment
(Due 4/7)
Limits Quiz (4/9)
Week 31
Limits at Infinity of Graphs Video
Limits at Infinity of Graphs Self-Assessment
(Due 4/11)
Limits at Infinity of Quotients Video
Limits at Infinity of Quotients Self-Assessment
(Due 4/12)
Intermediate Value Theorem Video
Intermediate Value Theorem Self-Assessment
(Due 4/13)
Limits Test (4/16)
Calculus Preview - Differentiation
Week 32
Average Rate of Change Video
Average Rate of Change Self-Assessment
(Due 4/18)
Estimating the Rate of Change from a Table Video
Est the Rate of Change Self-Assessment
(Due 4/19)
Instantaneous Rate of Change Using Limits Video
Instant RoC Using Limits Self-Assessment
(Due 4/20)
Differentiation Quiz (4/23)
Week 33
Derivatives and the Power Rule Video
Derivatives and Power Rule Self-Assessment
(Due 4/25)
Derivatives at a Point Video
Derivatives at a Point Self-Assessment
(Due 4/26)
Week 34
Manipulating Before Differentiating Video
Manipulating Before Diff Self-Assessment
(Due 5/2)
Derivatives of sin x, cos x, e^x, ln x Video
Deriv of sin x, cos x, e^x, ln x Self-Assessment
(Due 5/3)
Week 35
The Product Rule Video
The Product Rule Self-Assessment
(Due 5/9)
The Quotient Rule Video
The Quotient Rule Self-Assessment
(Due 5/10)
Week 36
The Chain Rule Video
The Chain Rule Self-Assessment
(Due 5/16)
The Chain Rule with Tables Video
The Chain Rule with Tables Self-Assessment
(Due 5/17)
Derivatives Test (5/11)